At Mandalay Animal Hospital, we recommend spaying and neutering for all our animal friends.

Fixing your pet comes with multiple positive health and behavioral benefits that allow them to live longer, happier lives.


Benefits for a Female Dog:

When a female dog becomes sexually mature, they enter their heat cycle. This usually occurs anywhere from 6 to 9 months of age and can last from two to four weeks, depending on the dog’s size. They usually average two heat cycles per year, but this also depends on the breed. Signs of going into heat include vulvar swelling, vaginal bleeding and a particular interest in their male counterparts. Some females may also experience increased urination. A heat cycle can be very uncomfortable; spaying them eradicates their heat cycles, making them more comfortable. We perform an ovariohysterectomy for both female cats and dogs, meaning that we remove all female reproductive organs (two ovaries, the uterine horns and the uterus). Left un-spayed, some dogs can experience a pyometra, which is an infection in the uterus, and is a life-threatening situation.

Benefits for a Female Cat:

When a female cat becomes sexually mature, they enter their heat cycle. This usually occurs around 6 months of age, but cats are seasonally polyestrous, meaning they have multiple cycles during the breeding season. The breeding season varies according to geographical and environmental factors; in the Northern hemisphere, females usually cycle from January to late fall. Due to their ability to cycle multiple times during a season, their full heat cycle can last anywhere from one to six weeks with the average cycle around three weeks. There are rarely any physical signs that a female cat is in heat; rather, they display behavioral changes. Most cats become very affectionate (i.e. rubbing against owners, furniture, the floor, etc.) and annoyingly vocal. Female cats can also experience increased urination as well as spraying or marking on vertical objects. While it is unlikely that female dogs will have a successful pregnancy their first heat cycle, female cats are capable of having a full-term pregnancy their first heat cycle. Spaying them around 6 months of age eradicates their heat cycle, making them more comfortable and reducing the chances for unwanted litters.


Overpopulation is an urgent issue facing animal communities across the world. There are approximately 6.5 million animals in shelters across the United States and 1.5 million of those animals are euthanized every year. By choosing to spay or neuter your animal at the appropriate time, you are helping reduce the overpopulation of animals, therefore saving the lives of animals in shelters. For more information, please visit the Colorado Pet Overpopulation Fund website.

The Procedure:

All spays and neuters are performed under anesthesia by a trained doctor and our certified veterinary technicians overseeing every step of the process from when they arrive until when they leave. Both procedures are one-day operations, meaning that all animals go home the same day as their surgery. Pain medications are used in the clinic and sent home with owners to ensure your pet is comfortable during their stay with us and when they are recuperating at home. The recovery period for a spay and neuter is 7 to 10 days, during which they must be kept calm and inactive. This allows the body the best chance at a full recovery.

Benefits for a Male Dog:

When a male dog becomes sexually mature, many owners notice a multitude of behavioral changes. These include undesirable sexual behaviors (i.e. roaming, mounting, etc.), urine marking and aggression. Castration (removing the testicles) is the best option for reducing or eliminating these behaviors. Performing a vasectomy only sterilizes male dogs, it does not stop the production of male hormones which lead to those naughty behaviors. In addition to stopping their troublesome actions, castration has several medical benefits. It eliminates the possibility of testicular cancer and greatly reduces the chance of prostate disease. Neutering can also reduce the chance of perianal tumors and perianal hernias.


Benefits for a Male Cat:

When a male cat becomes sexually mature, many owners notice a multitude of behavioral changes. An intact male cat (also known as a tomcat) is very likely to roam, fight with other male cats, spray/mark with urine, and is strongly attracted to seek out and mate with in-season, intact female cats. In addition to this, tomcat urine is incredibly malodorous, making them a terrible roommate to have. Unlike dogs, castrating a tomcat will reduce some, but not all of their bad behaviors. It is therefore recommended to neuter early to stop behaviors such as aggression and spraying from starting. Neutering your cat is the most important part of helping with population control, since a tomcat can father many litters at a time. Neutering helps to reduce spraying in about 85% of cats, as well as eliminates the foul-smelling urine.